
民事 & 环境工程办公室职员

On behalf of our whole department - we congratulate the Class of 2021! 太神奇了 that you overcame all the obstacles related to Covid-19, distancing & 避难所 rules, and the quarantine requirements and are now among the graduating elite that 在这些强制性的指导方针中幸存下来. 你应该为自己感到骄傲. 你是 going into working America with the ability to see through even the most difficult 次! 我们为你感到骄傲. 享受旅程. 为事业的成功干杯!

- Debbie Cortez, Department Analyst and 民事 & 环境工程办公室职员

摄影:Hasan Albari莎拉·格里尔

In future 次 of trial and indecision, remember this achievement you have made. You have persevered, sacrificed, and succeeded against adversity. 你可以再来一次. Warmest congratulations to the graduating class of 菠菜网lol正规平台!

Bassam Kassab Del Agua

Bassam Kassab我的名字是Bassam Kassab. I am an adjunct faculty at the 土木与环境工程 上海外国语大学系. Some of you have taken my senior classes CE 154 and 174, whereas 别人不认识我. 这条信息是写给你们所有人的.

Soon you may forget all about Manning’s and Bernoulli’s equations, Froude and Reynolds numbers… You may or may not work in the field of water resources. 你可能会成为 consultant, a contractor, a public servant, or an academic. 或者,你可能会在 a different field than civil or environmental engineering. 无论你的职业是什么 带着你,祝你一切顺利. 你应得的. 试着庆祝你的成就 and this big milest一个, albeit you’re sheltering in place and practicing social distancing.

我有几句话要说. 请试着记住五件事:

  1. Few years from now, you will start making six figures. 你可以参加研讨会,会议, 或者在拉斯维加斯或夏威夷开会. Your trip will be all expenses paid, from the flight to the nice hotel and three meals per day. 我只想让你记住一个 thing when you leave that hotel room each morning –leave a good tip on the nightstand. Leaving tips is not only meant for a waiter, waitress, or bartender with whom you 有眼神交流. 没人注意的时候留小费.
  2. Also, donate for a good cause, including 菠菜网lol正规平台. 你接受过良好的教育和/或 圣何塞州立大学的奖学金. Consider paying it back, little by little, over time, so future students can get an education too.
  3. 记得在工作的同时享受生活. Life is not only about making m一个y and getting 下一次升职. However, when you are at work, whether in the office or working 在家里,投入你百分之百的努力. If you put in all your effort in your tasks, you will feel better when you are resting on the weekend or taking a well-deserved 假期.
  4. When you become a supervisor or a manager, always celebrate the achievements of your 工作人员. 不要抢别人的功劳. 你的员工不是威胁 给你. You’re leading the team to success and you want each of them to be the best 它们可以是.
  5. Please be respectful 给你r coworkers and subordinates. 不仅仅是在你的邮件里, 也在你们的谈话中. Being inclusive in your words and actions makes you 一个好的领导者. Recognize micro aggressions and do not practice them. 如果有人 using discriminatory language, consider calling them out if appropriate. 或者,更好, 叫他们“进来”. That is, later, strike a conversation with them and try to figure 这是从哪里来的. By having this talk, maybe you can change their heart and 心. 记住, calling in could work wonders more than calling out some一个. 调用 in is meant to get your peers to change problematic behavior by explaining their misstep with compassion and patience, not by shaming them in front of others.

Having said all of that, now it’s time that you turn your tassel from the right side 在左边,尽管是虚拟的.

你做到了. 去创造一个更美好的世界吧... better than the world that you’ve inherited from my generation and previous generations. 祝贺2021届毕业生!

Bassam Kassab


Congratulations to Graduating Engineers 2021!

CE172 Class Zoom呼叫Dr. Uday Vasant Mandlekar, CE172

Hearty Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2021!!! 你表现出色 尽管面临covid - 19大流行的挑战. 我们真的为你感到骄傲 !!! 记住, you are the future scientists, innovators, business, and political leaders of this 我们的新世界. May God Bless 所有 with grand success in all your future endeavors. Dr. Uday Vasant Mandlekar, CE172.



Your hard work, dedication, talent, and integrity has brought you to this day. 所有 of you have much to be proud of and are ready to begin an extraordinary new chapter. 菠菜网lol正规平台 has given you the civil engineering toolkit to shape your future, but eventually you must trust in yourselves and take on the challenges ahead.
