






Sociology of Punishment; Pris一个r Reentry; Mass Incarceration; Race/Ethnicity; Gender; Urban Poverty; Social Welfare Policy; Qualitative Research Methods; Law and Society 


My research broadly examines how mass incarceration shapes patterns of poverty and 美国的种族不平等.S. As an ethnographer, I use the tools of participant-observation and in-depth interviewing to understand the lived experiences of system-impacted communities. 

My current project explores the relationship between mass incarceration and food inequality. Access to nourishing food is routinely denied to the 2.300万人被监禁 在你.S. 监狱和拘留所.900万以前被监禁的人活着 在社区里. The denial of food access to justice-involved people spills over onto low-income families of color, who disproportionately shoulder the responsibility 为他们正义的亲人提供食物. 参与正义的人和他们的人是如何相处的 家庭克服了获取食物的障碍?

To address this question, I will use qualitative interviews with system-impacted families in the Bay Area to examine how the harms of mass incarceration manifest in food inequality. Through funding from an 菠菜网lol正规平台 RSCA Seed Grant, I will be conducting pilot interviews with 10 family pairs consisting of a formerly incarcerated person and a close family member, such as a romantic partner, parental figure, sibling, or adult child (20 interviews 总). The analysis will begin by focusing on how justice-involved people experience barriers to food access during incarceration and after release, and then tracing how these harms are interwoven with their family members’ experiences.

This research will shed light on the ways in which mass incarceration reinforces barriers to food access and exacerbates food insecurity in low-income 有色人种社区. I anticipate finding that food functions as a mechanism through which the harms of incarceration not only impact justice involved people, but also become enmeshed in 受系统影响家庭的家庭.


美国的粮食不安全状况正在上升.S. In 2022, 44.200万人住在家庭里 without access to adequate food, a 45 percent increase from 2021. 食品价格上涨 housing costs coupled with the roll back of pandemic era safety-net programs have led to a sharp increase in food insecurity for millions of families across the country.

System-impacted families are especially vulnerable to experiencing food insecurity. Owing to high rates of unemployment and housing instability, people with incarceration histories are twice as likely to experience food insecurity than the general population. Young children who live with their father before his incarceration are three times as likely to experience food insecurity than other children. 

My research sheds light on the daily struggles of system-impacted families, highlighting the overlooked ways in which mass incarceration exacerbates food insecurity in low-income 有色人种社区. The goal of my research is to expand conversations about criminal legal reform beyond the confines of corrections policy. 解决群众的危害 incarceration not only requires dismantling the prison state, but also building a robust welfare state that prioritizes the health and wealth of 有色人种社区. By studying the relationship between incarceration and food insecurity, my research will highlight the importance of improving access to nourishing food inside prisons and expanding access to safety-net programs 在社区里 such as SNAP and school 午餐计划.


My interest in issues surrounding mass incarceration is an outgrowth of my involvement 在人权活动中. Inspired by the idealism of punk rock and the work of civil 像博士这样的人权领袖. 马丁·路德·金.,奥斯卡·罗梅罗,纳尔逊·曼德拉,还有 Steven Biko, I founded a chapter of Amnesty International in high school and led letter writing campaigns to free pris一个rs of conscience around the globe. 后来我成了 involved in death penalty abolition efforts, after learning about racial disparities in the application of capital punishment in the U.S. 正是通过这些努力 that I became aware of the broader racial disparities in our criminal legal system and first began to learn about the issue of mass incarceration. 在大学和研究生阶段 在学校里,我更深入地研究了这些问题. 我研究了像大卫这样的学者的作品 Garland, Bruce Western, Loic Wacquant, Lynne Haney, Joantahn Simon, Joan Petersilia, 米歇尔·亚历山大. Many of these scholars had written extensively about what 造成了大规模的监禁. However, I wanted to learn about how mass incarceration 影响我们今天的社会吗. Because of mass incarceration, more people are released from prison and jail every year than ever before. 我们知道这个群体面临着巨大的挑战 寻找工作和住房的挑战. 我的研究探讨了曾经被监禁的人 people navigate these challenges in their everyday lives. 这样做,我希望挑战 the negative impact of mass incarceration on our society and continue to stand as an advocate for the human rights of our most marginalized and vulnerable citizens.




Pris一个r Reentry, Mass Incarceration, Urban Poverty, Racial Inequality, Poverty Governance, 质性研究方法,法律与社会